The wilds can be a lethal place for those who are unprepared. Though the equipment listed here won’t make characters any safer, it will make their travels easier. As characters have limited space to carry things and must balance that with weight, it will not be possible to always carry everything for every contingency, requiring players to choose gear based on a variety of factors. Although there is a variety of equipment available, this list doesn’t include all possible options, and additional or custom items may be purchased using these as a basis. Higher or lower quality versions may be had at different costs depending on the region or area.

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Explorers Gear

Statistical Definitions

This is the total amount that the items weighs, which factors into the character’s overall Carrying Capacity.

Utility Position Figure ImageAnything the character carries takes up space. A Utility Position is representative of that space. This number represents the amount of space that the item takes when being carried on the person.

All character’s have 8 Utility Positions and each number in the figure corresponds to part of the character’s body where gear is stored:

1 Right Hip – two slots (med size weapon or belt pouch)
2 Left Hip – two slots (med size weapon or belt pouch)
3 Front Right – one slot (belt purse)
4 Front Left – one slot (belt purse)
5 Rear Right – two slots (belt pouch)
6 Rear Left – two slots (belt pouch)
7 Chest – four to eight slots (rucksack, bandolier)
8 Back – two to eleven slots (backpack, sword/ bedroll)

All gear has an availability rating that defines where it can be found. The primary factors that determine this are available resources, likelihood of there being someone who can make it, and degree of demand in the area.

1Available in any civilized area
2Available in small towns
3Available in large towns
4Available in cities
5Scarce, difficult to find anywhere
6Rare, typically specifically crafted
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Explorers Gear Table

Name Weight UP Availability Cost
Bedroll 3 lbs 1 2 8
Blanket 2 lbs 1 1 5
Caltrops 1.5 lbs 1 2 12
Candle .3 lbs .2 1 2
Canteen 5 lbs .5 1 18
Chalk .1 lbs .2 2 2
Flask 3 lbs .5 1 26
Flint & Steel .5 lbs .2 1 10
Grappling Hook 4 lbs 1 2 11
Hammer & Pitons 3 lbs 1 2 9
Hammock 2.5 lbs 1 2 12
Heavy Blanket 3 lbs 2 1 8
Hooded Lantern 3.5 lbs 1 2 37
Iron Pot 4 lbs 2 1 13
Lamp 1 lb 1 1 14
Lamp Oil 1 lb .5 1 8

Explorers Gear Table (cont)

Name Weight UP Availability Cost
Marbles 3 lbs 1 2 17
Mess Kit 3.5 lbs 2 2 31
Mirror .5 lbs .5 2 70
Pitch Tent 16 lbs 2 2 141
Rope 7 lbs 1 1 12
Rope Ladder 20 lbs 2 2 26
Rope Tent 16 lbs 2 2 63
Signal Whistle/Horn .3 lbs .2 1 8
Silk Rope 3 lbs .5 3 44
Splint Set 4.5 lbs 1 2 16
Strap Kit 1.5 lbs .5 2 11
String 1 lb .5 2 7
Tinderbox .5 lbs .5 2 31
Torches 1 lb 1 1 7
Trail Rations 1.5 lbs .5 1 8
Waterskin 8.5 lbs 1 1 12