In the vast and diverse Star Wars galaxy, humans remain the most prevalent species, their influence and presence felt on nearly every inhabited planet. The species section is organized into five distinct categories to help players navigate the myriad of playable species available. These categories are: Humans, Humanlike, Humanoid, Semihumanoid, and Nonhumanoid.

While the list includes a cross-section of recognizable species, it doesn’t come close to listing all of the species in the Star Wars galaxy. Rather, the classification system strives to provide every player with an option to suit their character’s background and abilities in the ever-evolving Star Wars galaxy.

Human and Humanlike

Humanlike species share the same basic physical traits as humans, with primarily aesthetic differences.


Humanoids, while maintaining standard human proportions, possess divergent physical characteristics and features that set them apart.


Semihumanoids have two arms and two legs but differ in their proportions, physical characteristics, and features, adding unique diversity.


Nonhumanoids exhibit a divergent number of limbs, body shapes, body types, proportions, physical characteristics, and features, providing a broad array of exotic and intriguing species to explore.

What about Droids?

Though integral to the Star Wars universe, Droids are generally not suitable as player characters due to their limited emotional range, predictable behavior, and the need for specific repairs and maintenance. Additionally, they are commonly viewed more as tools than individuals, with a general lack of personal motivations and the depth of character development that organic beings possess, making it challenging to engage in personal quests and character-driven story arcs. These limitations can hinder the spontaneity, creativity, and immersive experience that are crucial to the RPG experience.