Totemic Cast
Attribute: Perception
Type: Utility
Time: N/A
Description: This skill is used to change the aesthetic value of the spell to be theriomorphic. The effect is aesthetic in nature, with an ethereal quality, and does not enhance the spell but does fundamentally change how they are perceived. Before casting, the character chooses one of the listed forms for the spell, i.e. a Fire Walker casts a Hold spell which appears as a huge fiery bear hugging the target. Any one of the forms can be added to any Casting skill the character knows. Spell details can be found in the Core Rules: Magic Basics section.
Specialization: (Required) Magical Foundation, i.e. Mystic, Land Strider, Wind Rider, Fire Walker, Wave Runner
[tr][td]Form[/td] [td]Description[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Bear[/td] [td]A magic foundation outline of the animal, typically of large scale, used for area of effect and damaging type spells, i.e. Burst, Detonate, Shatter, etc.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Wolf[/td] [td]A magic foundation embodiment of the animal, used for delivering spell effects, i.e., Find, Alter Other, Dispel Magic, etc.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Serpent[/td] [td]A magic foundation shadow of the animal, used for duration type spells, i.e., Imprison, Curse, Pain, etc.[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Owl[/td] [td]A magic foundation animation of the animal, used for transporting enhancements and ally effects, i.e., Light, Haste, Enlarge, etc.[/td][/tr]