Flight adds a different and dynamic element to combat, though, at its heart the mechanics are the same – skills are used to make attack, defend, and move actions during a combat turn. The big difference is that during flighted combat, characters are continuously in motion, and this movement must be accounted for during each round.  Tactics and actions taken will vary greatly depending on whether the combat is Flight-to-Ground or Flight-to-Flight, and this section deals with the latter.

My writing distractions symbol image

Flight-to-Flight Combat

Regardless of whether characters have wings, a jet-pack, or they are piloting a mech, aircraft, or spacecraft, when flighted individuals enter combat with one another it is referred to as an engagement. While the goal to defeat the opponent is the same, engagements have an additional tactical quality that occurs between attacking and/or defending. Maneuvers (including Gambits and Stunts) are used to put characters in a position to attack, with opponents relying on a combination of skill and tactics to get the best opportunity to strike.

In practice, engagements work like a standard combat round, with initiative determining order and the same number of available actions in a round. There is no reason that an engagement could not run concurrently with a standard combat round on the ground.


Being outnumbered in flight is often more deadly than being outnumbered on the ground. Accounting for movement and getting in a position to attack can make things even more complicated, especially when fire arcs become a concern. For this reason, attackers typically prefer to go after targets one at a time to gain an offensive position, attack, and then disengage to seek another target.

Engagements begin whenever combatants get in range on one another, the circumstances of which typically define their starting Position. In most engagements, pilots in the offensive position will take attack actions as often as possible, while pilots in defensive positions take defend actions and use maneuvers in an attempt to flip the positions.


Most often in flighted combat, the trailing combatant has the attack advantage. This is more true with vehicles than characters as fire arcs can limit attack opportunities. Anytime an engagement begins, combatants will occupy one of three positions depending on the circumstances of the battle.

Neutral – this is a Ready status in which no one has yet engaged or an offensive position has been disengaged or broken, thus there is no advantage.

Offensive – this is an Attack status in which the engaged combatant holds the trailing advantage, giving them a +2 modifier to hit.

Defensive – this is a Defend status wherein the engaged combatant is being pursued, making them vulnerable to attack, with a -2 modifier to defend.

Once the initial positions are determined, skill and maneuvers are used to maintain or change positions.


Because all combatants are continuously in motion, they move at up to their flight move rate with every action, and all move actions are made with the skills. Whenever a maneuver is used, others involved in the engagement get an immediate counter-move – assuming they have available actions. If both combatant skill checks succeed or fail in the maneuver, the positioning remains the same, but if one fails, the one who succeeds maintains their position or moves a position by one step, i.e. neutral to offensive, etc.

While speed is a factor and can be used to get out of weapons range to break an engagement altogether, in combat those in a defensive position attempt maneuvers to try to move to a neutral position and then take an offensive position. By contrast, those in the offensive position have to match the maneuvers.

The combatant who goes first in initiative dictates the pace of the combat with attacks and/or maneuvers, while any who follow react. Part of the combat is managing how actions are spent and using maneuvers effectively to gain the advantage. With this in mind, holding actions can be a handy tactic in an engagement, especially when multiple combatants are involved. It is possible for all four actions to be spent on maneuvers during a round, as pilots vie for or try to maintain the offensive position.


Used with the Mobile Combat Combat Maneuvers skill, these movements are universal regardless of scale. Consisting of turns, rolls, and other actions they are used by combatants who are jockeying for or attempting to maintain a tactical position.


Description:  Contrary to it’s name, this is rarely a straight plunge, rather it is graded descent. It is primarily used to change altitude or pursuit position, disengage and escape, or defend, and may be used to compensate for an overshoot. When used as a defend, the opponent has a modifier to hit equal to the difference between the skill rank and die roll, plus the defend modifier. If the skill check fails, the character might plunge into an undisciplined dive that can lead to a loss of control.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    —
Defend                   +3
Maneuver              -1
Counter                 —

Hard Bank

Description:  This skill is used to make a steep turn at any angle, i.e. left, right, up, down, etc. With a successful skill check, a ninety-degree turn is reduced from two actions to one action, and may be continued up to a full circle with only one skill check, assuming the intent and actions are spent before the skill check is made. It is typically used to change or maintain a position, or to avoid obstacles in the flight-path. If the skill check fails, the character is forced to use two action to complete the turn, and may be susceptible to a change in position or a collision, based on the circumstances of the maneuver.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    —
Defend                   —
Maneuver              —
Counter                 -2

Lag Roll

Description:  During this counter-move, the attacker rolls out of a hard bank to arc behind the defender, either to prevent an overshoot or flip positions to attack. On a successful skill check, the maneuver takes one action and opponents with rear firing arcs have a modifier to hit equal to the difference between the skill rank and die roll, plus the defend modifier. If the skill check fails, the trajectory of the turn requires two actions, giving the defender an opportunity to make a counter-move, and may result in a loss of control.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    +1
Defend                  +1
Maneuver             —
Counter                 —

Snap Roll

Description:  A defensive maneuver consisting of multiple rolls, typically along an arc, that makes it more difficult target to be hit. It is typically used as the last action in the round or after an overshoot. With a successful skill check, opponents have a modifier to hit equal to the difference between the skill rank and die roll, plus the defend modifier. If the skill check fails, the rolls must be abandoned leaving the defender vulnerable to attack or they induce a spin that may lead to a loss of control.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    -2
Defend                  +4
Maneuver              —
Counter                 —


Description:  This is a breakaway maneuver used to return to a neutral position. It consists of a roll to offer a more difficult target to hit followed by a diving bank in the opposite direction of other combatants. It is typically used during a free move or as a counter-move to an attack action, and follow a snap roll or hard bank. With a successful skill check, opponents have a modifier to hit equal to the difference between the skill rank and die roll, plus the defend modifier. If the skill check fails, the defend modifier is lost and the move requires two actions, giving the opponent a free counter-move.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    —
Defend                   +2
Maneuver             -2
Counter                 -2


Used with the Mobile Combat Combat Gambits skill, these Advanced strategic moves consist of physically and mentally demanding turns, rolls, and other actions. Focusing on attack and positioning, they rely on the character’s ability to recognize and react to various different aspects of the engagement.

Barrel Roll

Description:  A complex gambit in which the character makes a complete rotation along both its longitudinal and lateral axis, to follow a corkscrew path along a particular direction. It can be used to attack and defend, or as both a move and counter-move. When used as a defend, with a successful skill check, the opponent has a difficult (-4) modifier to hit, with an additional -1 per skill point in Mobile Combat, while its acrobatic nature allows the pilot change or maintain a position, or avoid objects in the flight path. If the skill check fails, the pilot loses track of the maneuver and is forced to break it off which may result in an overshoot or loss of control.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    +2
Defend                   +2
Maneuver              -2
Counter                 -2


Description:  Used from a neutral or defensive position, this dangerous gambit can be used to force an overshoot. With a successful skill check, the character breaks across the attacker’s path, while rolling to present a minimal target as the opponent overshoots, and then breaks back to take an offensive position. The opponent can choose to make a counter-move at a negative modifier, or make an attack at a -1 modifier per skill point in Mobile combat, plus the defend modifier. If the skill check fails, the break is too shallow, giving the opponent a free move and may result in a loss of control.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    —
Defend                  +2
Maneuver              —
Counter                 -2


Description:  Short for Quick Takeoff or Landing, this gambit is used to shorten the time required or make acrobatic takeoffs and landings (i.e. landing on a moving object, taking-off from an uneven surface, etc.), as well as defensive takeoffs and landings. With a successful skill check, character takeoffs and landings are reduced from two actions to one action, while those for vehicles are reduced by half; when used defensively, the opponent has a -1 modifier to hit per skill point in Mobile Combat, plus the defend modifier. If the skill check fails, the move takes the required time, giving opponents a free counter-move, and may lead to a loss of control or crash.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    —
Defend                  +4
Maneuver             -2
Counter                 -2


Description:  This is a dangerous move used to force an overshoot and flip positions. With a successful skill check, the character spirals away from an opponent, to cause the attacker to overshoot, then pulling out of the spiral to take an offensive position. The opponent has a -1 modifier to hit per skill point in Mobile Combat, plus the defend modifier, as well as the modifier when attempting to counter the move. If the skill check fails, the defend modifier is lost and may lead to a loss of control or crash, depending on the circumstances.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    —
Defend                  +2
Maneuver              -2
Counter                 -4

Torque Climb

Description:  This is a powerful gambit used to move from a defensive to neutral position by angling away from an opponent at full thrust. With a successful skill check, the character moves vertically away from an opponent at full speed; moving from a defensive to neutral position or making an escape. If the skill check fails, the angle of ascent is not steep enough, allowing the opponent to counter at no modifier, and the maximum speed is reduced by one half for that action.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    —
Defend                   —
Maneuver             —
Counter                 -4


Perilous feats of aerial acrobatics performed to gain a positional advantage over an opponent, only the most talented pilots can pull off these moves. Used with the Mobile Combat Combat Stunts skill, they can be used to gain an angular advantage relative to the opponent for making attacks, as counter-moves to hold, maintain, or break a positional advantage, or to disengage and make an escape.


Description:  A quick positional change that’s challenging to counter, this is a vertical circle that is entered from a straight path. With a successful skill check, the character completes either a inside loop (inverted through the maneuver) or an outside loop (rolling upright over the top of the loop), and move from a defensive to an offensive position. If the skill check fails, the character is unable to come around to complete the maneuver, allowing the opponent to counter at no modifier, reducing the maximum speed by one half for that action, and may result in a loss of control or collision.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    +2
Defend                   +4
Maneuver              -2
Counter                 -4


Description:  An extremely tight turn that allows for a fast reversal of direction, it is a strenuous one-hundred eighty degree turn along a narrow arc. With a successful skill check, the character cam make the turn to gain an offensive position on a head-on pass, break a defensive position to return to neutral or make an escape, counter an overshoot, avoid an obstacle, etc. If the skill check fails, the character cannot control the turn, requiring a second action and only completing a ninety degree turn, giving the opponent a free action to make a move or counter-move, and may result in a loss of control.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    +6
Defend                   —
Maneuver              -4
Counter                 -6


Description:  A series of turn reversals to slow forward motion without changing speed to force an overshoot as a defender or prevent an overshoot as an attacker. With a successful skill check, a defensive character weaves and rolls to make for a difficult target, giving opponents a -1 to hit per skill point in Mobile Combat, plus the Defend modifier; an offensive character rolls slowly along a twisting path to keep the defender in sight in a controlled distance, gaining the attack modifier. If the skill check fails, the opponent gets a free action to make a move or counter-move, and may result in a loss of control.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    +6
Defend                  +6
Maneuver             -4
Counter                 —

Stall Turn

Description:  With this stunt the character drops of out of a vertical climb to break a defensive position and return to neutral or make an escape. With a successful skill check, the character enters a vertical climb and cuts all thrust, cartwheeling over to make a one-hundred eighty degree turn as they fall, accelerating into a diving turn. It is a tough stunt to counter and attackers have a -1 modifier to hit per skill point in Mobile Combat, plus the defend modifier. If the skill check fails, the character loses control during the stall, negating all modifiers, and may result in a loss of control.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    —
Defend                  +4
Maneuver              -4
Counter                 -8


Description:  An abrupt change of direction made during a climb or dive that’s used to break a defensive position or maintain an offensive position. With a successful skill check, the character enters a vertical climb and makes a sweeping flat turn over the top, diving along a parallel path to the climb, breaking a defensive position to return to neutral or make an escape. With the counter-move modifier, it puts the character into a good position to attack, gaining an additional modifier to hit. If the skill check fails, the character loses control during the turn, negating all modifiers, and may result in a loss of control.

Modifier        Value
Attack                    +4
Defend                   —
Maneuver             -4
Counter                 -8


As mentioned previously, engagements can be run concurrently with standard combat – they are similarly turn based and reactive. The key is understanding how and when the combatants take their turns, as well as some of the terminology, all of which is covered in this section.

Combat Actions

These are the standard actions to resolving a combat round in an engagement.

  • Assuming there is no surprise, combatants begin in a neutral position
  • Initiative is used to determine who acts first
  • Combatants get four actions, these can be used to attack, defend, or move – move actions are direction or maneuver based since they are in constant motion
  • From a neutral position, the first to act can attack or move, while the opponent can defend or counter-move
  • A counter-move is a defend type reaction made during the attackers initiative, a successful counter-move maintains current positions
  • After offensive and defensive positions are determined, maneuvers can be used to alter it, based on the success or failure of maneuvers taken
  • When an attack is made, a defend action is permitted
  • If the attacker holds actions on their turn, they may act on their opponents turn, based on the success or failure of any maneuvers taken

This occurs when passing an enemy, and immediately changes the positioning from offensive to defensive. While speed is factor in overshooting, it most often occurs as a result of either a failed maneuver or a failed counter-maneuver. The other combatants in the engagement are allowed a counter-move or move after an overshoot, assuming available actions in the round.

Loss of Control

Resulting from a failed maneuver, the character must make an immediate Reaction save or  Piloting skill check (if in a vehicle) at a very difficult (-8) modifier to regain control, which does not cost an action. If the skill check fails, an action may be spent to make a subsequent Reaction save or  Piloting skill check at a difficult (-4) modifier to regain control.

A loss of control may result in a collision or crash.


When flighted combatants hit one another or something else, there is damage, the degree of which is determined by speed and collision scenario. There are three types of collision, accidental, unintentional, and intentional that will result in a degree of vehicle damage.

Accidental Collisions do equal damage to all involved.

Unintentional Collisions (crashing) does damage + 1 level to the attacker

Intentional Collisions (ramming) does damage +1 level to the defender.

Collisions between flighted combatants may result in a loss of control.

Free Move

Resulting from failed maneuver, it provides an enemy with the ability to take an action or make a maneuver without the ability to take an counter-move. Any existing modifiers in the engagement still apply.