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When it comes to crafting magic, Modifier Augments are some of the most straightforward in terms of crafting and use. This lends to a more allegorical approach to the type of core object and form that the augment takes, giving rise to a figurative shape suggestive of function. Which is a long way to say that the core object or augment typically resembles the type of modifier, e.g., a shield-shaped augment for protection, a tree shaped augment for healing, etc.

In game terms, these are bonuses that are applied directly to some statistical aspect of the character, i.e., skill checks, armor bonus, attack damage, etc., based on its power level. Unlike other augments that have built in limitations at specific levels of power, these are always active and apply to whomever possesses the core object. The bonus cannot be shared if held by multiple beings and these augments are limited to Minor or Medium magic.

My writing distractions symbol image
LoA Core Rules Craft Magic section image of crafter casting magic into a helm.

Minor Modifiers

A basic augment that consists of symbols crafted directly onto the core object that are then imbued with magic. Requiring specific preparation and exhaustive casting over a period of time, these have a total crafting time of about ten days. The core object must be of masterwork quality and the symbols must be worked by a craftsman of at least expert rank, having a minimum of five (5) skill points in the tree with the appropriate crafting skill (engraving, carving, etc.).

An appropriate crafting skill check is required to complete the crafting, which typically takes three (3) days. Once the symbols have been successfully worked, it takes seven (7) days of casting to imbue the symbols with magic. A base (-0-) Craft Magic skill check is required to complete the process of turning the symbols into an augment. If either skill check fails, the symbol is ruined and the crafting process must be begun again on an new core object of masterwork quality.

The following augments may be created for Minor Modifiers:

  TypeDescriptionBonusCore Object
  Skillapplies modifier to any one skill within a skill tree+2armor
  Protectionadds a modifier to the Impact, Magic, or Elemental armor save+2armor
  Damageadds a modifier to weapon damage+2weapon
  Curativeadds to heal rate+2figurine

Medium Modifiers

A combine augment that consists of symbols crafted directly onto the core object and filled with a precious substance (metal, powdered gem, etc.), that are then imbued with magic. The core object must be of masterwork quality and the symbols must be worked by a craftsman of at least master rank, having a minimum of five (9) skill points in the tree with the appropriate crafting skills (engraving, lapidary, etc.). Between working the augment and the exhaustive casting over a period of time, these have a total crafting time of about fifteen (15) days.

Appropriate crafting skill checks are required to complete the crafting, which typically takes five (5) days. Once the filled symbols have been successfully worked, it takes ten (10) days of casting to imbue them with magic. A difficult (-4) Craft Magic skill check is required to complete the process of turning the filled symbols into an augment. If either skill check fails, the filled symbol is ruined and the crafting process must be begun again on an new core object of masterwork quality.

The following augments may be created for Medium Modifiers:

  TypeDescriptionBonusCore Object
  Skillapplies modifier to any one skill within a skill tree+4armor
  Protectionadds a modifier to the Impact, Magic, or Elemental armor save+4armor
  Damageadds a modifier to weapon damage+4weapon
  Curativeadds a modifier to the heal rate+4figurine
  Whetincreases the critical hit range
  Fleetadds a modifier to the per action move rate
  Skill Treeapplies a modifier to a single skill tree
  Celerityincreases the speed factor

Crafted modifier augments of a specific type will not stack, instead using only the highest bonus and ignoring the remainder.