Stats. Almost every RPG is built around them. Where selecting a species gives the character form and roles provide purpose, it’s the stats that define function. As discussed previously, the character species and roles available for play are dependent on the setting but the mechanics are defined by the system and apply to all characters. For better or worse, the game mechanics are built on math using various equations, and the stats provide you with the starting numbers.

In the Legacy of Adventure system, there are three sets of player stats – Attributes, Hit Points, and Fitness. Each has an effect on the mechanics of the game, from using skills to inflicting damage to how fast characters can move or how much they can carry. Ultimately, players will customize character stats to fit a specific role, setting the tone for how effective they are in the game. But to do so, it’s important to understand how the stats work.

My Writing Distractions logo using the initials WD.
LoA Character Generation, image of attribute scores sample box with rogue.


Each character has six scores that define their overall capabilities. These attributes serve as the base value for skills and are used to determine other characteristics. This is a base 8 system, meaning that all the formulas were built based on a value of 8 as the average score.

Attribute averages are determined by species, with a minimum and maximum score that can be modified during character generation either with the use of Ability Points or Advantages/Disadvantages.

The six attributes are:

A measure of balance, coordination, and overall dexterity—it is primarily used for attacking, and defending, and is a factor in determining the character’s move rates.

A measure of overall physical power—it’s primarily used to cause damage and is a factor in determining the carrying capacity and hit points.

A measure of overall fitness, focus, and fortitude—it’s used to resist physical damage and as a factor in determining hit points, move rates, healing rate, etc.

A measure of overall intelligence, this is the ability to learn and comprehend—it is used to provide learned information about the world and in the study of magic.

A measure of sensory awareness and intuitive recognition that is primarily used to survey the surroundings and avoid danger.

A measure of the ability to convince or persuade, physical presence, and overall strength of will—it’s primarily used to attack and defend with mental abilities, to overcome attacks on the mind, and for the powers of faith.

LoA Character Generation, image of green skinned warrior being intimidating.

Hit Points

A measure of overall vitality and the ability to take damage, hit points are comprised of two scores. Health uses the Constitution and Perception attribute scores and represents the total amount of damage a character can take without suffering modifiers. Body uses the Constitution and Strength scores and measures the amount physical injury that can be sustained before death.

Health = (Constitution + Perception)x2
Body = (Constitution + Strength)x2

When a character takes damage, it’s typically taken from health first and once that score is reduced to zero, points are subtracted from body. Health points are recovered quickly, while body points are more serious wounds that require medical attention and put the character in a Fatigue state (-4 modifier to all actions).

Those who lose all their health and body points are dying but can usually be saved. Everyone has a Basic Hits score and dying characters will live for number of rounds equal to this score, though if help doesn’t arrive in time the character will bleed out and die.

Stats - person fighting a lion
LoA Character Generation, image of fitness scores image box with Tank.


These characteristics determine some basic capabilities. Beginning with the character’s physical build, which is determined by height, weight, and species, we can begin to calculate these factors. Reference the weight chart below using the species physique to determine the base build type.

HeightPhysical Build

Basic Hits
A measure of the character’s physique, this score is based on height and weight and offers a mechanic for determining the overall size of a character as compared to others of their species.

BuildBasic Hits

While a character’s weight directly affects the Carrying Capacity ans Lifting Capacity, a character with a larger or smaller frame than normal may have modifiers to Move rates and Move skills, per the rules below.

The distance a character can cover in one action during combat, modified by physical build, armor, skills, etc. One move unit is equal to one yard, or one space on a map. When calculating a full round of movement, multiply the per-action move rate by five (round all calculations to the nearest whole number).

[(Agility + Constitution) x 2.2]/Move Mod*
*the Move Mod number is based on character species

Because the character’s weight affects move rate, each increase in physical build reduces the move rate by 2, doubling with each additional increase, i.e., -2, -4, -8, -16, etc.

Carrying Capacity
The amount of weight a character can comfortably carry while traveling. Overloaded characters will become fatigued in half the time and must rest twice as long. In combat, overloaded characters suffer a difficult modifier (-4) to all attack, defend and move actions.

Weight x [(Str+Con)/100]

Lifting Capacity
The maximum amount of weight that a character can lift off the ground (deadlift) one time, without the use of a lever or other such tool, or requiring a skill check. 

Weight x [(Str+Con)/10]

Healing Rate
The number of hit points that a character heals while receiving aide or when resting. Health points are restored after each hour of undisturbed rest, while Body points require six to eight hours of undisturbed rest.

(Constitution/10) x Heal Mod*
*the Heal Mod number is based on character species