The character sheets have space for recording a variety of information, on the backside is a place to detail out a Family History. While not a factor that will affect the mechanics of gameplay, taking the time to give the character a home and people to care about will provide plenty of roleplay fodder to enhance the experience. Many of these apects can pair well with elements such as Wealth Class, Social Status, and the Advantages & Disadvantages to bring about a truly unique character.

If a person is the sum of their experiences, Family or the absence thereof will go a long way to give life to a character. Between the five factors listed in this section, a Family History can be extremely detailed or comprised of just a few words, and still carry a great deal of weight.


This can be either where the character was born or where they grew up. There is a great deal of information that can be included, from the general to the specific, which can link with a variety of other factors. A great way to begin is with a general idea of the type of locale.


  • Asteroid
  • Capital City
  • Community
  • Forest World
  • Hidden City
  • Moon Base


  • Mystery
  • Space Station
  • Starship
  • Underwater City
  • Village
  • Water World



Everyone begins life with someone and those people will have an influence on the character’s life for good or ill. A character may have been raised by:


  • Parents
  • Adoptive Parents
  • Single Parent
  • Family Relation
  • Sibling
  • Family Friend


  • Step Parent
  • Nanny
  • Local Priest
  • Orphanage Matron
  • Crime Lord
  • Street Vagabond


…who were:


  • Adventurers
  • Criminals
  • Cruel/Unkind
  • Enslaved/Indentured
  • Explorers
  • Hard Working


  • High Class
  • Professionals
  • Sickly
  • Sociopaths
  • Supportive
  • Wanderers


…and are now:


  • Alive (place)
  • Being Hunted
  • Dead/Dying
  • Enslaved


  • Imprisoned
  • Missing
  • Murdered
  • On the Run


Family Events

All families have drama (some way more than others), whether positive or negative, leaving vivid and lasting effects. This can add a layer of complexity to the character that may be incorporated into the campaign. Some examples are:

Family Mysteries

There’s nothing like a mystery to make life interesting, one that involves family not only adds depth, but it can also show up in a campaign. Some examples are:

Notable Family Influences

People outside the family can also shape a character’s life; there are many people that have the capacity to leave a lasting impression. In any good story, incidental characters offer depth and scope, especially if they play a part in the campaign setting. Some examples are: