
Lightly armored soldiers whose focus includes both melee weapons and hand-to-hand combat, they are damage dealers who rely on speed and quickness to avoid being hit. As a specially trained subset of the soldiery that are used as advance operatives, they typically receive technical training in addition to combat training, providing them with a wider range of capabilities than the average soldier. Those in this role are often referred to as special forces, they are confident to the point of arrogant, very competitive, and a little reckless.

Build Notes

The choice of lighter combat skills, Armed and Unarmed, provides them with multiple methods of melee attack, and leaves available points for the Technocracy skills, as well as some proficiency skills. Selecting Technocracy offers them the ability to more effectively utilize technology to their advantage, not to mention an effective use of explosives. It can be challenging beginning with three specialties as this limits the number of starting skills, though these sets tend to expand quickly as the character advances.

Skill Trees

Armed Combat
(10 + 3 skills = 13 points)
• Evade
• Swing
• Weapon Proficiency

Unarmed Combat
(10 + 1 skill = 11 points)
• Disciplined Striking

(10 + 2 skills = 12 points)
• Demolitions
• Electronics

(1 skill = 1 points)
• Observation

(3 skills = 3 points)
• Dodge
• Search
• Shoot

Starting Gear

Commandos have a variety of skill sets and their gear packs mirror that, containing a collection of equipment. Starting with a suit of light armor, melee weapon, ranged weapon, explosives, and traveler pack, they are a walking arsenal, the quality of which is based on the starting wealth class. These gear packs do not have a specific monetary value, rather they are designed to ensure that starting characters have the basic gear they need to begin play. Substitutes for items of a roughly equal value may be made with GM approval.

♦ Impoverished
♦ Working Class
♦ Professional
♦ Capitalist
♦ Magnate
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