The character sheets have space for recording a variety of information, on the backside is an entire section devoted to Personality traits. While not a factor that will affect the mechanics of gameplay, taking the time to determine some or all of the different traits that go into it will provide plenty of roleplay fodder to enhance the experience. Many of these traits can pair well with elements such as Wealth Class, Social Status, and the Advantages & Disadvantages to bring about a truly unique character.

A Personality is as unique as a fingerprint. The nine traits presented here help to define how the character sees and interacts with the world.


This is the general emotional state of the character. Which emotion most defines their behavior?


  • Angry
  • Apathetic
  • Ashamed
  • Anxious
  • Calm


  • Curious
  • Excited
  • Joyful
  • Melancholy
  • Thoughtful



This is how characters views things beyond their control. How do they view the outside world?


 • Absurdity
 • Bleakness
 • Confidence
 • Cynicism
 • Distrusting


 • Foreboding
 • Hopeful
 • Resigned
 • Trusting
 • Upbeat



This is how the character views the people of the world. How do they treat others?


 • Needy
 • Nurturing
 • Supportive
 • Uncaring


 • Altruistic
 • Empathetic
 • Greedy
 • Narcissistic



The degree to which the character considers consequences before they act. How quickly or thoughtfully do they react?


 • Deliberate
 • Excitable
 • Focused


 • Rash
 • Overzealous
 • Thoughtful



A base depiction of the character’s temperament and composure. How do they react under stress?


  • Balanced
  • Deranged
  • Complacent


  • Explosive
  • Restrained
  • Psychotic


Sense of Humor

The manner in which the character perceives jocularity or playfulness. Is the character fun, no fun, something else entirely?


  • Boisterous
  • Crude
  • Cynical
  • Dry
  • Gleeful


  • Jokey
  • Mean
  • None
  • Slapstick
  • Surreal



The character’s quality of honesty or virtue. What are the characters moral, ethical, and work principals?


 • Deceitful
 • Honest
 • Impractical
 • Industrious
 • Lazy


 • Manipulative
 • Meticulous
 • Pragmatic
 • Responsible
 • Unreliable



Peculiar mannerisms or habits that can add a layer of individuality to reinforce other personality aspects, allowing players show traits rather than tell about them.


Activities or interests the character engages in for pleasure or to relax. While this rarely occurs during game play, they can make good talking points during roleplay scenarios.