Klaea Gear Logo Image

In order to do the things, characters must have things that do things. In other words, they need weapons, armor, and equipment.

This section contains all of the arms, armaments, and general equipment that characters will need over the course of their adventures, as well as handy listings of gear packs that make the selection process a whole lot easier. While it’s a fairly comprehensive list, the world is a big place. Not every item will be available in every land, and players come up with strange requests. There will likely be some items that a character wants that are not listed here, in these instances, a fair market price and availability can typically be judged by using similar items as a basis of comparison.


All gear has an availability rating that defines where it can be found. The primary factors that determine this are available resources, likelihood of there being someone who can make it, and degree of demand in the area.

Tier     Description
   1          Available in any civilized area
   2         Available in small towns
   3         Available large towns
   4         Available in cities
   5         Scarce, difficult to find anywhere
   6         Rare, typically specially crafted

This is not to say that it’s impossible to locate a particular item outside it’s availability area, just that it’s unlikely. It is always possible that an adventurer got killed and now their gear is available for sale by a local merchant.

Buying Things

Because the different lands and nations have different forms of currency and no one wants to deal with the minutiae of figuring out exchange rates, all items are listed with a simple price. Whether that price is in Empire silver, Hegemony pellets, or Nalranian trade values depends on the land, who is doing the purchasing, and how willing the seller is to take different currencies.


While there are quality differences, these are limited to armor, weapons, clothing, and tools. Any general or specialty gear that has a quality range or effect will be included in it’s listing.

Utility Positions (UP)

To put it simply a Utility Position is the amount of space a piece of gear takes, as well as its location on the character. It is a combination of larger items (weapon, shield, etc.) and containers (pouches, backpacks, etc.). All characters have 8 UP based on the assumption that purchased gear is meant for the size of the character.

The purpose of Utility Positions is to give players an easy way to track their gear. Gear Packs are formatted to allow them to be easily recorded on a character sheet, and there’s a variety of containers to offer several ways for a character to carry gear. In addition, when an item needs to be drawn from a bag, knowing where it is will allow the GM and player to quickly determine how many actions it will take to draw. As all gear has a UP listed and all characters have a limited number of them available, this is an easy way to keep from overloading a character.

Essentially, each number corresponds to part of the character’s body where gear is stored:

1 Right Hip – two slots (med size weapon or dual belt pouch)
2 Left Hip – two slots (med size weapon or dual belt pouch)
3 Front Right – one slot (single belt pouch)
4 Front Left – one slot (single belt pouch)
5 Rear Right – two slots (dual belt pouch)
6 Rear Left – two slots (dual belt pouch)
7 Chest – four to eight slots (rucksack, bandolier)
8 Back – two to eleven slots (backpack, sword/ bedroll)

Utility Positions 1 and 2 recorded on the front side of the character sheet with the weapons, while the rest are recorded on the back side, with a specific place for the pack.

Utility Position Figure Image

Utility Position vs Carrying Capacity

Where Utility Position is intended to make carrying gear easier and aid in the visual representation of the character, Carrying Capacity keeps players honest in how much their character can actually take with them. Between the Carrying Capacity (how much gear can be carried) and the Utility Positions (where the gear is carried), the details of every piece of gear carried is available. While it’s up to the GM to determine how they want their players to track it, for most, tracking the amount of gear carried by one or the other is typically sufficient.

Jewelry and Strap Sheaths

Whether it’s a magic ring, a string of orc teeth worn around the neck, or a tiara from a dragon’s treasure, there are few things as meaningful or personal than jewelry. While it’s okay just to record the items in the inventory, having space to note where it’s worn and a give a short description personalizes it, and gives players a point of reference. With this in mind, the Jewelry section of the backside character sheet offers players this capability.

Optionally, this space can also be used to record the location of tattoos or scars, or to note the locations of a specialized container, i.e. right leg – dagger sheath. It’s designed to be flexible, appealing to a variety of character needs – where a thief might want to note hidden pockets, an adventurer may show off gory trophies or sparkly treasures.