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While there are many ways for characters to avoid getting hit, eventually, it’s going to happen. And if it’s a strike to the head, it’s best to have some degree of protection, otherwise that life of adventure is going to be cut very short. Anyone can wear a helm and there are no skills required to wear it effectively. However, they can hinder the sense of sight, smell, and hearing depending on their design, the modifiers of such may be reduced or negated with the Armor Proficiency skill. This section includes the different types of helms available, as well as any bonus or penalty modifiers.

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Armor List
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Statistical Definitions

As the name implies, this is the baseline for damage resistance while not wearing additional armor. The total includes the Constitution attribute score plus Basic Hits plus any natural modifiers provided by race, i.e., feathers, hide, etc.

When saving against falling damage, only the Constitution score and natural modifiers provided by race are used to make the damage save, whether or not armor is worn at the time of the fall.

When saving against magic damage, only the Constitution attribute score is used to make the damage save, whether or not armor is worn.

When saving against elemental damage, only the Constitution attribute score and natural modifiers provided by race are used to make the damage save, whether or not armor is worn.

This is the bonus modifier added to the Base Resistance (Constitution attribute score plus Basic Hits plus natural modifiers provided by race) for resisting damage from impact class weaponry and all other physical type attacks, i.e., claw, bite, punch, etc. By far the most common type of physical damage, typically the greater the protection modifier the more it affects the ability to move.

This is the bonus modifier added to the Constitution attribute score for resisting damage from magical attacks. Without some form of enchantment, physical armors offer no bonus modifiers to resist magic damage, and when an enchantment is added, the bonus modifier is equal to the enchantment only and is not combined with the physical armor modifier.

This is the bonus modifier added to the Constitution attribute score and natural modifiers provided by race for resisting naturally occurring elemental damage. Generally speaking, this refers to heat related damage, including fire, steam, etc., but also includes more extreme types of damage, including rock slides, water jets, etc. While no physical armors offer full protection against this type of damage, some offers better modifiers than others.

While helms with greater coverage offer greater protection, this can also hinder the character’s ability to perceive their surroundings. This penalty modifier is applied to any and all appropriate sensory type skills, as defined with the helm. The Armor Proficiency skill may be used to overcome this penalty modifier as characters advance.

This is the general weight and coverage of the helmet in relation to other types of armor. There are three categories of helms, LightMedium, and Heavy, and they are organized into groups by this listing.

This is the total amount that a helm weighs, which factors into the character’s overall Carrying Capacity.

All gear has an availability rating that defines where it can be found. The primary factors that determine this are available resources, likelihood of there being someone who can make it, and degree of demand in the area.

1Available in any civilized area
2Available in small towns
3Available in large towns
4Available in cities
5Scarce, difficult to find anywhere
6Rare, typically specifically crafted