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Shields offer characters another way to avoid being hit, turning away the attacks with the Block and Deflect skills, while also potentially offering the opportunity to hit and cause damage. Not everyone has the skill to properly wield these items, and those that do find a rare flexibility between offensive and defensive capabilities. This section includes the different types of shields available, as well their offensive and defensive statistics.

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Shield List
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Statistical Definitions

This is the amount of damage that the shield causes when used as a weapon. It can be used to make a punch or throw attack with the damage modifier added to the Strength attribute (Str +) score.

This is the maximum number of times the shield may be used to attack in a single round. There are skills and other effects that can modify this number.

All shields that can be used as weapons do a class of damage based on their design that determines the type of armor save for opponents. Damage class may be Base, Elemental, Impact, or Magic in nature.

All shields that can be used as weapons do a type of damage based on their design that directly affects the Critical Range. Damage type may be Blunt or Piercing in nature.

This is the Critical Hit Range for shields that are used as weapons. On an unmodified roll within this range, any damage sustained goes directly to Body points, putting the target in a fatigue state (if applicable). This range may be increased with skills or other effects.

Some shields are simply more effective or easier to use than others, often based on quality. This modifier is applied to any block, parry, or similar defend skill action made with the shield.

This is how far in yards the shield may be accurately hurled. The actual distance varies by the throw action used.

  • Two-handed over head throw – listed range
  • Wind-up frisbee throw – x2 listed range
  • Horizontal punch throw – 1/2 listed range

Each of the throw actions have their own factors to consider. The two-handed overhead throw is the most common and effective, requiring one action to complete. While providing greater distance, the wind-up frisbee throw requires two actions to complete. In addition to requiring one action to complete, the horizontal punch throw can be used as a surprise action (the target gets a Perception or applicable save to avoid being surprised).

When defending against range or reach attacks, it is possible to take cover behind the shield rather than using it to take a defend action. The effectiveness of this is determined by the degree of cover that the shield offers, and assumes that the attack comes from a 90º arc in front of the character.

When using a shield as cover, a Cover Modifier is applied to the damage save, per the table below:


Each time a character behind cover is hit, an appropriate damage save is made with the applicable bonus modifier. Any damage taken is considered to have got around or through the shield.

This is the general proportion of the shield in relation to a medium-sized character. There are three relevant size categories, Small, Medium, and Large, with the shields organized into groups by this listing.

This is the total amount that a shield weighs, which factors into the character’s overall Carrying Capacity.

Anything the character carries takes up space. A Utility Position is representative of that space. This number represents the amount of space that the shield takes when being carried on the person.

All gear has an availability rating that defines where it can be found. The primary factors that determine this are available resources, likelihood of there being someone who can make it, and degree of demand in the area.

1Available in any civilized area
2Available in small towns
3Available in large towns
4Available in cities
5Scarce, difficult to find anywhere
6Rare, typically specifically crafted