For those characters with a musical profession, or who just want to make some noise, there are lots of options. Generally speaking, those with a musical skill don’t need to make skill checks to play music, rather the quality of their music is determined by the skill rank (novice 0-3 ranks, expert 4-7 ranks, master 8+ ranks). Skill checks are only required when attempting to impress, playing unfamiliar music, during musical challenges, etc. The quality of the instrument has an affect on the ability to play, which may include modifiers to skill checks. This list doesn’t include all available instruments, rather it is a cross section of common instruments, with numerous variations available as determined by race, region, and preference.

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Statistical Definitions

This is the total amount that the items weighs, which factors into the character’s overall Carrying Capacity.

Utility Position Figure ImageAnything the character carries takes up space. A Utility Position is representative of that space. This number represents the amount of space that the item takes when being carried on the person.

All character’s have 8 Utility Positions and each number in the figure corresponds to part of the character’s body where gear is stored:

1 Right Hip – two slots (med size weapon or belt pouch)
2 Left Hip – two slots (med size weapon or belt pouch)
3 Front Right – one slot (belt purse)
4 Front Left – one slot (belt purse)
5 Rear Right – two slots (belt pouch)
6 Rear Left – two slots (belt pouch)
7 Chest – four to eight slots (rucksack, bandolier)
8 Back – two to eleven slots (backpack, sword/ bedroll)

All gear has an availability rating that defines where it can be found. The primary factors that determine this are available resources, likelihood of there being someone who can make it, and degree of demand in the area.

1Available in any civilized area
2Available in small towns
3Available in large towns
4Available in cities
5Scarce, difficult to find anywhere
6Rare, typically specifically crafted
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