The cultural or societal importance of jewelry, and thus its cost, can vary widely by region, race, and personal status. From the common homemade trinkets sold in booths on the side of the road to unique specialty items created by famed crafters, there are far too many options for jewelry to have them all listed here. There are four factors that determine jewelry cost, the value of materials (copper, silver, gold), workmanship (skill level- novice, expert, master), complexity (engravings, design, inset jewels), and demand (common, uncommon, rare).  Those presented here are a broad cross-section of jewelry types crafted from a moderate material, at a moderate amount of skill, with moderate complexity, that is uncommon in the area, and priced by quality (Poor, Standard, Masterwork). Adding or subtracting x.5 of the cost per factor allows for consistent pricing of more or less valuable items, assuming availability and factoring in area-determined values.

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Statistical Definitions

This is the total amount that the items weighs, which factors into the character’s overall Carrying Capacity.

All gear has an availability rating that defines where it can be found. The primary factors that determine this are available resources, likelihood of there being someone who can make it, and degree of demand in the area.

1Available in any civilized area
2Available in small towns
3Available in large towns
4Available in cities
5Scarce, difficult to find anywhere
6Rare, typically specifically crafted
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